The American Legion, Post 15
Don Whittington, Commander Kent Post 15
Post and Executive Board Meeting Information
The Executive Board Meeting is held on the first Tuesday of each month in the Memorial Hall at Kent Post 15 following the House Committee meeting. The General Post Meeting is held every third Tuesday of each month in the Memorial Hall at Kent Post 15. Both the Executive Board Meeting and the General Post Meeting are open to all members and guests. The House Committee meeting begins at 6:30 PM and the General Post Meeting begins at 7:00 PM.
Commander's Corner
I would like to address the membership for your help. We gladly accept any donations to help pay our expenses, as well as to help save our post. In addition to donations, I am asking for more member support in planning fund raisers and other activities to generate income.
One of our senior members reminds us that: "Since our Charter in 1919 by WW1 members, and those WW2 members and beyond that helped to build and grow our Post, that we cannot break faith with those past members. We must save our post, not only for them, but for current and future members as well!"
Phone 253-859-9905
Post Officers
Commander: Don Whittington (Army)
1st Vice Commander: Gary Osness (Navy)
2nd Vice Commander: Chriss Moen (Army)
Adjutant: Jim Trask (Army)
Sergeant at Arms: Bob Christophersen (Army)
Service Officer: Chuck Bonebrake (Army)
Finance Officer: John Fredricksonn (Air Force)
Chaplain: Sam Ray (Coast Guard)
Historian: Bruce Anderson (Navy)
Senior Color: Sam Ray (Coast Guard)
Junior Color: Jerry Hazen (Army)